Monday, August 13, 2018

Standing In The Deep End .

I posted the way a few days ago from my blog and this is part 2. If you have not read it please do . I have time to put some real thought into this I’m off today . I just got home from the gym and I’m playing sounds of rain . A year ago approx . I had a great job in marketing . I quit MOR Futniture and I had fallen a little behind finding a new job . I had to quit gym , and lose a lot of things I loved . But the job treated its employees bad I had to go . I started a new job and was trying to get things back on track I was depressed I gained weight , and was behind on bills . After a few months at my new job I left long story . Once again no job . Things declined fast . I didn’t feel like myself and I lost my car . This was just the beginning of my year .  I fell into a deep depression . I was embarrassed to leave my house . No money for anything . What happened God ? I would pray . Things only got darker . I’m a sink or swim type of girl I been a fighter my whole life but I felt like giving up . On top of that I was in a failing relationship and I was trying my hardest to save that .

God help me !! No answer . I found a job at a mattress store . It paid some bills but things were still bad . In the midst of it me and my boyfriend broke up and I just had enough with life . I mean wouldn’t you ?

I was praying one day in my car as I sat outside my mattress job I told God please get me out of here and to help me I refused to live my life like this any longer I would do whatever God led me to do .

He told me to call Jerome’s and I did . I had a job a few weeks later .  I just wanted Gods will to help me what did I need to do . God said lay down eveything to me and trust me . Well I wanted my boyfriend back , I wanted my body back my finances and I wanted whatever God wanted for me .
So I had one list of things I prayed for every day . I told God to lead my life and to bless me where he wanted me to go and I will go . I started praying with my old friend . She told me God will bless me and these hard times would come to an end . I just needed to believe God loved me and that he wanted to bless me.  This was hard . I felt like God never cared .
This is where it became really hard . But I had to give my troubles to him and know that I can walk on water   , go through any hard times with out drowning because he will not let me sink if I gave it to him .  I was trying to save my relationship with my love not Gods it was exhausting and painful . I was spending all my time worrying instead of letting a bigger God fix things knowing he will show up when I need him .

I am now making 5 times  the money I made before . I  am blessed with great friends . I lost over 40 pounds , I have peace when bad things happen because I know God is in control not Amy . I seek God’s will first . If it does not honor God  I’m not apart of it . I’m more calm more at peace have more joy more mercy . When I need answers I pray and God answers you guys every time . If I need sales I pray god sends them . If I need the impossible God makes it possible . If something I want does not come I know it’s not Gods will . I’m ok . God is in control .

You have to give everything to God . Everything you guys . Hurts , decisions , eveything . Without God your on the wrong path .

With God you will live a life of blessings and peace and things will happen . Sometimes if it does not happen right away it could mean not today but in the future keep praying !!!
God does miracles !! He’s done hundreds for me I swear !!!

Love you guys

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