Tuesday, April 11, 2023

One Step

 One step is what I say when things are over whelming 

I look at in whole , I think I must throw the towel in. I’m way over my head. My friend Tristan used to say one foot in front of the other, that amazing advice has followed me through tough times. 

I’ve had many challenges but the one I want to speak on is health. 2 years ago I was at a size zero. I was proud of myself and I worked hard for my body. 

Hours in the gym made me happy , running 3 times a day , had became an addiction. 

When Covid hit and the gyms closed I kind of freaked out. But I did work outs from home and managed but I felt like I was slipping. 

Pretty soon I wasn’t so strict with my eating. Then I was hired at a new job. Except at this one I sat all day and couldn’t leave for a lunch . My previous job I walked all day and went to the gym on my lunch break dedication - it was and my passion . Then last year my mom passed . I must have been depressed because I lost motivation . 

Fast forward to the long hours at work and 2 years later I gained 40 pounds. How did it happen ? How did I wake up one day and not  recognize myself. 

Who was I ? Where did Amy go. 

I was lost . I knew how to be fit but I didn’t know how to be fit and have my job. 

One day I was scrolling through instagram and I had befriended a health Coach . She had the same values and just seemed like a down to earth beautiful person 

I asked her what her secret was and I started on a plan with her . I was desperate . Being single I can’t hate me and I wouldn’t want to date me . So I put my trust in her.

2.5 months later and lost over 20 pounds . I’m not at my end goal yet but what a relief to be going in that direction.

I just wanted to share my story in case someone who is reading this needs a plan , and I can direct you to my health coach !!! 

Never give up no matter what problems arise and further more never give up on yourself !