Friday, May 18, 2018

Why I’ll Never Stop Loving You

It’s Friday ! Things are like a wave up and down and the only thing I have that is steady is God . He’s like my safety boat in this storm . I’m holding on for dear life friends . 

An old friend ask me yesterday why don’t you give up on love ? Or the love I feel ? At first this irritated me so much . But then again everyone’s perspective is driven from where they are they are at within themselves . 

I’m not out looking for love my heart is not open for that . But I do love someone . For Gods sakes I’m not letting that love go . Why ? Because it’s real . Even though at the present moment we are not together believe me my heart is with him . Maybe he won’t return . That’s in God’s hands but my heart is still with him . 

So back to my friends question . Why don’t you let love go ? Well here is your answer : true love never fails . It’s patient . Love is forgiving it keeps no records of wrongs . Love is unconditional . Perfect love well it isn’t perfect . We go through life it’s hard . Very hard . We don’t know where we will land or what God’s purpose is but that does not make me love less . 

So my friend what love have you let go of ? Or who has let go of you may be the question . I’m here in the mud of life in great loss of a best friend . I don’t love him less in my loss I love him the same . 

I’ve learned love is forgiveness . Love is a choice . I don’t know what the ending is . But what I do know is that I’m brave . My heart is brave . I’m not perfect but my courage to love will never die . 

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