Saturday, October 1, 2011


Raised inscription tattoo the bone
letter sent by hand shake
echoing the message in guilted button frame

As you hug me on my door step
pretending the bruises made by your voice
don't hurt as much as if they happened by fist,

Tell me , how the story ends
When Alice has come to resurface
she finds solace.

She is not a  martyr .

I am not a friend
I don't fix  broken mirrors

Fly away butter fly!
I am reminded as I stand
I see caterpillars ,


  1. rocked this...the bruise of your voice...ugh yeah i feel that...and the butterfly caterpilar play at the end...i get that too...very nice write!

  2. This has fascinating leaps in it, turns of the unexpected, the unpredictable-- doing what poetry should do. I think you mean "quilted" and "solace", yes? xxxj

  3. the pain and the flying at the end...still standing...great images in this amy...stellar write

  4. Yes you are touching on the topic and exploring it from different angles. Very imaginative.

  5. Very creative play against Alice in Wonderland..... and I love the emotional bruises.... I enjoyed this very much... Thank you


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