Thursday, January 23, 2025

Imagined -Heaven Sent

 I thought I had it planned out . In my head the man I wanted to marry . I saw him there dancing with me in the cool air of the mountains , him in old time brown suspenders , dancing with me under the stars . I even can imagine him. He is an old soul a punk rock guy , tattoos and -  loves me . I’ve never had a wedding or even been proposed too . I have a picture in my mind that I thought it would be my old boyfriend Jon. 

He was perfect I thought , for me any way . He was sort of an old romantic , but what made that special was he definitely was a man’s man . I still love Jon . But the years have brought me now much older and alone . 

Alone now 7 years . I can’t imagine online dating. How do I find something like that through a computer screen. 

You see I’m an old skool punk rock loving girl . 

All I want is to be loved before I die. I just wait on God 

I’m fine being alone. I’ve been alone so long . 

But boy would I love to find this and dance under those stars .