Friday, June 17, 2022


 Its been a while since I’ve written on here. But I’m here now. You know when you loved someone it do-sent go away.  You may not know what the future will bring but love does not die . 

I been single so many years . Trying to build a relationship with God and myself . Most importantly guarding my weathered heart . 

I’m not sure it’s up for any heart ache. I’ve had enough and staying safe has worked for me . But …. I don’t want to die without ever knowing someone loved me 

I’ve always felt like I was an orphan to love. It’s been my prayer for God to send me someone . But not just anyone . The one. I’m good with waiting . 

How will I know when he comes ? I imagine it won’t be confusing and it will happen the way God intends it 

But I am 44. So I pray he brings that person soon 

I’m independent and fine being alone . But I know I have a lot to give . I don’t want to re read this at 50 stil be single . Gods plans .