Friday, October 11, 2019

David’s Tent - God Came

I want to tell you about David’s Tent so maybe if you read this you will go. They started in the UK as a few people on a mission to get people to Christ . It’s 72 hours of worship that’s grown to thousands
God was calling me to go with Raigan . I thought maybe I could be used their for his purpose I wasn’t sure but I had to be obedient.

The past few months have been rough at work in July I had one of my best months yet but the months that followed were my worst . Here I was one of the top salesman looking at how to sign up at food banks , I wondered how God let us fall so far. It’s never been like this. No food for days, can’t pay my phone my car I begged God why?Where was he?We were alone .

Not to mention my ex boyfriend who I been religiously praying for who is an addict that God may heal him ( I sincerely ) believed with all my heart this would happen , I got a message from him Sunday night that answered my confusion once and for all.This person is not with God I need to let him go.

He hurt me over and over all I did was love,pray and wait . I got paid Thursday morning with not enough money to pay my bills I bought the tickets to David’s Tent. I knew we needed more of Jesus so we went.Me and Raigan in tow.

As we arrived it was so pretty in Del Mar about a thousand people worshiping Jesus was awesome to see my 8 year old daughter worshiping  God just melted my heart . As we sang I wondered what and why God called us here .

Raigan began to grow tired,it was late she wanted to go home but I knew we couldn’t leave yet
One of our favorite songs came on ( what a beautiful name ) Raigan asked if we could go up front to sing. I was so glad I didn’t want to go I was waiting on God I knew something was to happen .

As we sang our hearts out to God a few more songs were played and Raigan was ready to leave.
As we made our way out of the crowd 2 girls followed us and said Jesus had a word for Raigan . I thought yes!This was it!She kneeled in front of Raigan : I don’t remember the word exactly how it was said but she told Raigan she was made to be a leader she was brave and had courage and God was going to use her to fight with him and she was to be by his side to help people come to Christ and the adventure was starting now . She was going to start hearing his voice and she felt left out at school they told her not to feel that way because God made her apart and a leader for a reason and God dances with her in the fields . She was a warrior and God has gone before her to fight her battles and to not be afraid and God will bless her dreams .

Then she told me that she knew I was in mourning ( my ex ) and that God knew I have had disappointment after disappointment since I was a child but I have forged my own way through with Christ and when I look back thousands will follow because of my testimony and my example has made raigan the leader in Christ she is and will be . She said God is going to fill my emptiness with joy and I’ll be able to dance over my disappointments and all my prayers God will answer with a yes

Me and raigan were both crying our eyes out.
They said my testimony was so powerful . I thank God for being on time for us . God is so good everything happens for a reason . If your struggling God hears you . Just pray have faith . They told Raigan to write her word in a journal she did and carried to school it is the cutest thing .

 Now I pray for business at work pray God will bless us in this time . Thank you for reading

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Listen up

Bad things happen in life that destroy you 
People you gave your life and heart to will break you in ways you will never recover from 
You will be put in situations you never thought you would survive . 

Here I am in the storm . 
A big f&@$ storm 
I’m not the victim 
I’m bigger then this . 

All though I may have 
Broke . 
All though I may be in a dark place 
I know I’m a survivor . 

And all they are - are giants we are David’s 

Our help comes from God . 


Road is covered in fog 
My hands bound to memories 
The kind that survived the war . 

No one is listening 
They make up there own memoirs 
About me . 

I tell you to your face with mine red 
Lips displaced 
I’m a survivor not a victim 
I’m not second best . 
We don’t have rules here 
But as the sun grows tired 
I’m reminded of just who I am . 

Why can’t you see it for yourself 
I said . 
The crowd ( jokers ) 
I rest my hand on my chin . 
King me please she said . 
No one listens again 
As I stand here alone . 

I’m ok with that 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Prayer List

Every day I have the same things I pray for . It’s an easy list most things have not come to pass maybe it’s in Gods timing or maybe God is saying no . I’ve learned in my prayers to leave them at just that. And cast all my cares upon God . So this is my new practice. Like will he come home and get better or will I get my own home ? Can me and Raigan find our way to San Diego ?

I leave my prayer list to him . But I used to worry about those prayers not coming true now I just pray and trust God will handle things as he sees best . This has made room for a little peace and joy instead of inner term oil. But what is this waiting period for . Healing ? Surrender ?

I don’t know what the bigger picture is , but things have changed so drastically in a year God has completely changed my entire heart like I have a whole new one

I’m not ashamed of 2019 was an immense year of growth , learning and healing. 2020 is coming I want to be a wife and a have a home . If that happens it will be a miracle because I’m called to be alone right now and be still . So here I am God giving you my all . Xoxo